Contact us

We would be Happy to Support You

Do you have any questions about our products and accessories range, services or further training offers? We would be happy to advise you by phone or email. Contact us now!

How to reach us…

Esumedics GmbH / Teichstrasse 11 / 09366 Niederdorf / Germany
Phone: +49.37296.92120 / Fax: +49.37296.921223

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We only store your personal data for further processing of your request and do not pass it on to third parties. For further information, please open the page "Privacy Policy" on our Website.

With Competence and Experience at Your Side

Founded in Saxony by 3 visionary entrepreneurs, Esumedics GmbH has been revolutionizing medical care in Germany for many years. Albert Einstein already knew: “Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.” The success of esumedics® is based on the wealth of experience and competence of our employees.

esumedics - Mit Kompetenz & Erfahrung an Ihrer Seite